Monday, November 14, 2011

RV torn!

First of all, a big welcome to JoJo!!  I'm very happy to see you here! I've been a follower of JoJo for quite some time, but I can't comment on her pages. JOJO, if you set your comments to allow name/url & anonymous, then I can comment. But again, I love following your blog!

Now for some disturbing news....MY RV TORE!!! LITERALLY!! Sooo....waaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! I have surgery scheduled for my foot on 11-16, yes, this Wednesday. So I did one final outing with Ellie, my RV this weekend. I still love taking her out, I still love living in her, but I'm not loving her latest booboo. :-(   OK, but before I get to that, yes, the new converter seems to work, BUT the battery was pretty much choked to near death by the old converter, sooo, need yet another new battery. Lets hope this will be it for awhile!
Now onto Ellie's booboo - it's ugly. It's nasty. It's definitely not pretty. I cried. Yes I did. I cried & felt like the world's elements are out to get me. After all, Hurricane Ike took my house, but I still had Ellie. Now somehow, the highway took a chunk out of her! :'''(   So here are a few photos, then I'll explain what happened.

I was driving back home on I-10, heading west, then I heard a sound that sounded a little loud, but sounded like I had once again, forgotten to take something off the counter, so it jumped off all by itself. So I keep driving, thinking nothing of it. I'll pick it up when I get back to my spot in the driveway. I get back, pull into my spot, get out to be sure that I'm not parked on top of my friends extension cord that they keep the pond pump running with. It's getting dark, something catches the corner of my eye. I look up & was shocked!! Then I freaked a little, cried a little, felt a bit defeated. So all I can guess is that I got hit by road debris or else the 2x4 that hit me a few months ago actually did do some damage other than put a dent in the support frame of the fiberglass. So bummer! Called the insurance company, they will be sending out an adjuster. In the meantime, I went out & found something to protect it with. Found a white vinyl table cloth, had white duct tape, so taped it down. Thought about doing something flashy, but really? I didn't need a big reminder of it with anything flashy! Then I felt the table cloth wasn't strong enough, so went to the store & got a clear plastic shower curtain liner & cut it to fit & taped as I went along. So now it's protected (hopefully) till repairs can happen. My surgery will keep me down for at least 2 weeks, so I wanted to be sure that the temp cover would suffice. But Bummer! I just have to tell myself it could have been worse...I also had to pick up a container of whoppers to make myself feel a bit better...something chocolate always helps a bit!

The tape isn't actually on the window, so I can still open & close the little window. I taped it on the center of the window frame.

I can't say that I slept well last night either. I kept thinking the wall was going to fall down & I was going to fall out of bed or something. This sucks.

I hope everyone is well. It's been a few days since I've posted & I've not had the time to get caught up on other blogs or even email yet. Sure wish I could have joined up in the WGS GTG too, but hopefully, I'll be able to see some of these wonderful women before they head back up north next spring. My next post may be from my couch & an air mattress as I won't be able to walk & won't be able to sleep in the overhead bed. I'll remain in my friends driveway & they will take care of my dogs & kitties while I recover.

~As always, be kind to your pets, clean up after them on your travels & respect your neighbor. ~

PS, I also bought myself a snuggie while at the store. I needed a all I need is another cold front to be able to use it! It's soft & the store checker ..uh...kept petting it...hmmmm. At least it was still on the box & not on me!


  1. Oh man, that sucks so hard. It feels really personal when your home gets damaged. It does seem much more manageable with the temporary repairs, though. White was a good choice. :D


  2. Oh my! You sure have had your problems too. Foot surgery?? Well we can commiserate together, as I will be having my left knee replaced soon, also. Don't know the exact date yet...

    Really we can encourage each other, be accountable for doing our therapy, etc.. I'll be checkin' on you! ( big smile )

  3. Well? as I said before.... BUMMER... good lord! that's quite a chunk, Cyn.

    Really hate this happened to you and you don't need to fret about anything right now except healing.

    blast blast blast

  4. Sorry to see you had damage to your home. Hope things start getting better for you.

  5. The wood under there doesn't look too good. Looks like it might have been leaking and let go. Hope your insurance does a good job of taking care of it.

  6. Thanks for your comments everyone. No, the wood doesn't look good. It did have a leak around the window at one point, but it doesn't look good. Not sure if the ins will do anything because of it. The 2x4 that hit me awhile ago was slung at me from the tires of a big truck that hit it on the road. It hit the support frame around the fiberglass & popped out the stripping, but I didn't think it was really that much of a big deal. Who knows, something else could have hit me or else the fiberglass just popped out in that bad spot, then yes, the wood under could not support it. Also, my RV is a 96. 80% chance of rain tomorrow!

  7. Sunny, I just read your blog about you needing surgery. I bought a walker about a week ago - I was practicing with it & a guy asked me if I was preparing for my future! I thought I'd try the walker since I kept trying to kill myself with the crutches the last time around. I'll be checking on you too! ;)

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about the damage to your rv. It looks like water damage to me also unfortunately and if the insurance company finds it to be old damage, they may not cover it. I sure hope I'm wrong. Keep it well protected and save the receipts for the stuff you used to cover it. IF, they cover the damage that will be covered under the claim. Good luck.

  9. Ouch! The damage is quite severe, my friend. I’m really sorry about what happened. That shower curtain could help protect that damaged part of your RV, but only temporarily. I hope you were able to fix your RV before it has gotten worse.

    Rosalinda Rudloff

    1. Yea, it was quite severe & the entire overhead cab was rebuilt. All nice & strong now.

  10. Oh no! That’s terrible! But you’re still lucky because that was the only part that was torn off. Anyway, I hope it’s fixed and looking good by now. I’d love to see more updates about your RV trips.

    >Kurt Bukowski

    1. I ended up having the entire overhead cab rebuilt. Unfortunately, the traveling thing isn't happening right now. I'm down due to medical issues with my driving foot!(my injury is recurrent). But am still living in the Motorhome, which is still my home. I try my best to keep her maintained & in good shape though.


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Have a good one and Live the Life you Love!