Waaaah, I'm having computer issues!!
If you are tecchie & have advice for me, please comment.
If you find this boring, then just ignore. :0)
Today's post is about crashing, bad drivers, bad wifi, bad air card, bad download, my new netbook which has turned bad.
Ordered my new Acer Aspire One Netbook computer on June 9th.
Received my new netbook on June 13th. Yay, got it home set it up.
Had connectivity issues.
The wifi connection in the house keeps going down.
Don't have my aircard set up with the netbook yet. Need to go get a few items first.
June 15th, leave a post about having network issues.
June 16th, I blog about the cool things I get for the netbook:
Wifi in the house is still spotty.
I am able to install my Sprint air card with going to their website & downloading the driver for it.
I got numerous messages before it took that it wasn't compatable with windows8 but finally, I guess I hit the right portal in the universe for it to take.
OK, cool, now I can get online & actually finish something!
Apparently, the Acer has possible driver connectivity issues.
Grrrrr. So now, lets combine that with a bad wifi connection from my friends router or when using the sprint aircard, it all still shows I'm connected when I'm using either one (not both at the same time, that's not possible), but the web tells me I'm not connected when the connections drop temporarily. So it's gotten frustrating trying to do anything.
I go to Acer's website. It tells me there's no service for my netbook! ARGH!!! (ha, just got dumped right now on my friends wifi)
OK, more.
Last night, I decided to download Open Office. I go directly to their site rather than through Cnet, which I usually use Cnet. I start the download. I watch it as I don't want added things like Chrome or Bing or Yahoo or, you make your choice.
******Oh just freakin' great. I just crashed! Just lost a whole bunch of what I was typing! ARGH!!!
The crashing thing has happened a few times since I've gotten this netbook too :-(
OK, back to my issues, waaahhhh, I want to cry now.
I think I'm downloading Open Office from their webpage. I click on download, the computer glitches a little, but I'm still on the green download button. It starts downloading. It asks if I want it added to my task bar, I say no. Well, click no.
Download takes awhile due to slow internet, but it finally finishes.
Then all of a sudden, it asks me if I want to update my drivers? What? Open Office is an office program, not a driver update program. What just downloaded??
Oh goodie, I just downloaded LiveUpdate! What the heck!!! So when the computer glitched, it jumped to a different download instead. :-( And that also brought with it, two other weird downloads, which I was able to uninstall. I was so peeved. I tried to uninstall LiveUpdate, but it won't uninstall because in my infinite wisdom, I told it NOT to add to my task bar! Apparently, you have to install it there too in order to uninstall it. Grrrrrr.
So I go to Microsoft's webpage, they actually support the LiveUpdate program. I don't care. I'm not happy, I don't want it. I try to uninstall from there. Nope, ain't gonna happen. Their link doesn't work!!!
I can uninstall from LiveUpdates webpage, but haven't even tried yet. I'm too angry right now that it all happened to begin with.
Now, as it turns out, I probably AM dealing with driver issues!
So now Acer says there's no service available for my computer. Grrrr
I gave up trying because I'm losing my patience. And my wifi. And I lose service with the aircard too. Not on the aircard, but in the computer because IE tells me I'm no longer connected, although the aircard shows I am.
I'm blogging about this so I have a reference page on all this crappage!
I am not happy.
My Compaq computer is now dead, so my hard drive needs to be pulled out of it so I can save stuff from it. This has not been a good month so far. In the past, my HP laptop & my Compaq laptops have all updated & downloaded the proper drivers. Is this something new? Or an Acer thing? Or what?
OH And get this! McAfee was supposed to be free for ONE year from the time of purchase with the netbook! I register it when I first get online & it's all installed & working. I then get a thank you email that I have something like a 60 or 90 day free trial. Then I get another email stating that my 30day free trial is about up. Today, I get a reminder email to renew.
I set it up on June 13, 2013. Today is June 27, 2013. Perhaps I should send them a calendar? That's only 15 days. I'm guessing a calendar without pictures would be best as the pics would be too much of a distraction for them....
I'm not keeping McAfee anyhow. I'm switching over to Avast. It's what I've used in the past few years & have been happy with it. Besides, Avast talks to me. ;)
Soooo, now I'm wondering if I need a driver update program to update my drivers & if that will fix my issues??? I don't know. I know I've invested a small fortune already into this little netbook & don't want to return it unless I really have to. I can't get my money back on the 8 gigs of memory I've added as it is.