Again, RV's make great recovery rooms!
In my downtime, I've decided to learn more about my camera.
A Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ70. It's a super zoom camera! You can shoot the moon with this camera.
Shot at full digital zoom.
The blood moon
Note the craters!
I love this camera! I'm learning more & more about it.
You know what? Maybe I already shared these moon pics? I don't recall. If so, please forgive me!
Today, I learned how to do One Point Color. It's fun! Need to take better photos of the flowers though. The winds were blowing them around. I'm also learning how to use my filters & lens hoods. This is so much fun!
(keeps me away from the potato chips too)
Yes, this is a custom hood on this truck.
This is fun! Maybe once I'm better, I can do a bit of traveling & do some photos & cool videos of places!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
See, one can still find things to do while in down time too. :-)
As far as my healing goes. Had a bandage change last Wednesday. The doc shot my foot with a steroid to stunt the healing somewhat so we can try to prevent as much scar tissue as possible. Yep, that's been the problem. Scar tissue keeps forming, which keeps bringing the Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome back.
Enough already huh?!
Oh & did I mention I also have a broken finger?
Another 3 weeks in the finger splint - at least....
At least it's my little finger on my right hand. Sure, I make more typos now, but all in all, it's not that much of a problem.
Thank goodness.