I got the bike done!
Actually, I got it done last weekend, but haven't been able to ride it till today.
Due to weather & other responsibilites.
But it looks great & rides well again!
Too bad I can't just freashen up my foot like that huh?
It hurt my foot to ride.
I rode the bike around the block, which is 2 miles. I didn't think that would be a big deal since I have to do 2 miles on an exercise bike in therapy, but it did hurt.
I'll get better.
Bike all taped up with painters tape, ready to spray paint! I spray painted the rusted chrome parts & other parts that needed to be finished after I treated them.
I used this silver metallic paint. First I used rust remover, that was covered in another post.
Chain Feed before
Chain feed after
Brake Controls before - they weren't too bad, but I treated them & painted them before they had a chance to get worse.
Brake controls after.
All dressed up & somewhere to go!
Even if it is just around the block. ;-)
I also changed out a brake pad, no easy feat. I had to break out both of my tool kits to get the right tools! And I changed out the back tire tube as well. Lets hope this tube doesn't go flat! I had previously changed out two other tubes, which both went flat. Inspected the tire, nothing in it to cause the tubes to go flat? So I suspect somehow the tubes got crimped & died.
I also oiled the necessary parts & put vaseline on the chain in hopes of preventing further rust.
Unfortunately, the only way to store my bike is to keep it in the driveway beside the motorhome, with a tarp over it. If this had to be done again, it'll just be time for a new bike then. Guess this is how it is with the life of a fulltime RVer huh?
Maybe I'll do a future post on all those tools I keep around. Not on each individual one though...
I keep both kits in the RV as you never know what you might need!
~As always, be kind to your pets, clean up after them on your travels & respect your neighbor~